How to setup your coding environment(For JavaScript, Python, HTML and CSS)

Sanjeev Bharathi
1 min readJun 3, 2021

The perfect way to start with the IDE guys


For JavaScript(I will abbreviate it to JS), I really recommend downloading WebStorm. Download it here . Or you can download some budget friendly options like VS Code, Atom, Komodo Edit, your browser, etc. The requirements are 1 chunky computer, at least from 2015, A windows 10 or MacOS machines, And you are done!!

Photo by James Harrison on Unsplash

2. Python

For Python, my personal recommendation is Sublime Text. or you can use some free options like PyCharm, Atom, VS Code, IDLE, Spyder, Visual Studio, PyDev, Anaconda, etc. Woah, boy, that is like a lot of things to download. Well just stick to 1 IDE then! The system requirements, I don’t know.

3. HTML and CSS

For HTML and CSS, HTML is first. You can use Sublime Text or some free options too. Like, PyCharm , yes (PyCharm has a HTML editor), VS Code, Atom, Adobe Dream Weaver, etc. For CSS, VS Code, Atom Sublime Text, Adobe Dream Weaver, etc.

That’s it guys for today’s blog. See you next week. Follow me for more content

Bye !!

